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Waste Minimization Plan (SB 14)


Waste Minimization Plan (SB 14)

Under California’s Hazardous Waste Source Reduction and Management Review Act, companies that generate over 12,000 kg of hazardous waste or 12 kg of extremely hazardous waste per year must develop a Waste Minimization Plan every four years. These plans require a forward-looking evaluation of potential source reduction and waste minimization techniques for major waste streams, along with feasibility analyses and implementation timelines.

Facilities must also submit a Hazardous Waste Management Performance Report assessing previous minimization efforts, and a Summary Progress Report. Developing these plans can be an arduous process. CDMS has prepared hundreds of SB 14-compliant Waste Minimization Plans for companies across California. We can determine if your facility qualifies, evaluate your waste streams, identify feasible minimization techniques, and produce the required plan documents professionally and efficiently.

Let CDMS handle this complex requirement for you.

Regulatory bodies
  • DTSC (Department of Toxic Substances Control)
  • CalEPA (California Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Local CUPAs (Certified Unified Program Agencies)
Who needs it

To determine if your operation must comply with the source reduction planning requirements, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Did my facility generate 12,000 kg/year or more of hazardous waste or 12 kg/year or more of extremely hazardous waste in the target year?
  2. Is this waste routinely generated from ongoing operations? (One-time waste streams such as demolition debris from decommissioning a production line are excluded.)
  3. Does my business generate aqueous hazardous waste that undergoes on-site treatment prior to discharge to the sewer? (If the facility produced over 3,100 gallons/year it is captured by SB 14.)

If you answered yes to questions 1 and 2, or yes to question 3, your facility is subject to the SB 14 planning requirements.

Regulation reference
  • California Health and Safety Code, Chapter 6.5, Article 11.9
  • 22 CCR, Division 4.5, Chapter 12
  • 22 CCR 67450.4
  • 22 CCR 67100-67108
What our service provides:

CDMS has prepared hundreds of Waste Minimization Plans for facilities throughout California.

We evaluate the waste volumes and waste streams to determine which qualify, facilitate the minimization technique evaluation, document the process, and develop the final plan, Performance Report and Summary Progress Report.

We can ensure you have the documentation needed to comply with SB 14 requirements.

Contact CDMS for help in:

  • Determining whether or not your facility must comply with SB 14 requirements
  • Determining which waste streams must be included in the Plan
  • Preparing your Plan, Report, and Summary Progress Report documents in a professional and efficient manner

Request a Free EHS Compliance Assessment

Contact us

What is an SB 14 Waste Minimization Plan?
A plan evaluating potential hazardous waste reduction methods, required every 4 years by CA generators meeting thresholds.

Who must prepare an SB 14 plan?
Generators producing over 12,000 kg of hazardous waste or 12 kg of extremely hazardous waste per year.

What must the plan include?
Evaluations of source reduction and minimization options for major waste streams at the facility.

How often must the plan be updated?
A new plan must be prepared every 4 years by September 1st.

What other documents must be prepared under SB 14?
A Hazardous Waste Management Performance Report and Summary Progress Report.

How long must SB 14 documents be kept?
At minimum 3 years from the due date is required.

What happens if no changes or updates are made?
A new plan is still required documenting a re-evaluation was performed.

Can SB 14 requirements be satisfied by a Pollution Prevention Plan?
If all elements are addressed, a combined plan may satisfy both.

Do laboratory hazardous wastes need to be included?
Yes, all hazardous waste generated onsite must be covered.

Do one-time waste streams need to be addressed?
No, only routinely generated wastes from ongoing operations.

What are penalties for noncompliance?
Violations can result in fines up to $25,000 per day.

Who enforces the SB 14 planning requirements?
Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) is the primary enforcement agency. Local Certified Unified Program Association (CUPAs) may also be involved.

How can I determine if my facility exceeds the thresholds?
Review hazardous waste manifests and lab analyses for total quantities.

Is it acceptable to contract preparation of SB 14 documents?
Yes, as long as the generator reviews and certifies the accuracy. If you need assistance with your Waste Minimization Plan (SB 14) please Contact Us to request a complimentary facility walkthrough & compliance assessment. Our skilled team of EH&S specialists is ready to assist you.

Do implemented minimization methods need quantified?
Yes, the performance report must assess quantitative waste reductions.

Can similar facilities consolidate into one plan?
No, each facility must have its own independent SB 14 plan.

Do hazardous wastewater streams need to be included?
Yes, aqueous hazardous waste streams must be covered if above 3,100 gallons/year.

Can I claim any information as confidential or trade secret?
Yes, certain sections can be claimed as confidential but process must be followed.

Where are SB 14 documents submitted?
Plans are submitted to Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) and the Certified Unified Program Association (CUPA) only upon request, not routinely.

Is there an option for an extension if completing the plan on time is not feasible?
Yes, a 30-60 day extension can be requested from Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) if justification is provided.