Experienced Cal OSHA Compliance Support
Get help and support from EH&S specialists – Comply with OSHA regulations, lower your insurance premiums & litigation costs while attracting and retaining the best employees with a great safety record.
Fulfill regulatory requirements, prevent accidents/injuries, save on workers compensation insurance & litigation costs and support your staff by using our Onsite or Webcast Safety trainings.
CDMS safety training is provided by specialists that have a thorough understanding of Cal OSHA Title 8 regs and methods/content honed with decades of experience training manufacturing and other industrial facility staff.
Plan/Program preparation
Site Specific safety Plans and Programs are the first step in being proactive in preventing illness and injury for your team members. CDMS has decades of experience conducting facility walkthroughs and interviews and preparing plans that identify the hazards, establish procedures to be followed, inspections/tests to be conducted and specify training to be provided to comply with Cal OSHA regulations.
Reach out to us for preparing the following or any other safety programs you are looking to establish and train on.
Industrial Hygiene
Our Industrial Hygiene services include program/plan preparation, ongoing or one time monitoring and employee training to ensure the safety and well being of your team members.