- Occupational Safety & Health Association (OSHA)
- California Occupational Safety & Health Association (Cal/OSHA)
- The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Respirator Training & Fit Testing Training
California employers must provide respirator training and fit testing to employees per Cal/OSHA regulation 8 CCR 5144. CDMS offers comprehensive onsite training and fit testing. Our experts evaluate hazards, recommend respirators, and provide hands-on training. We document everything for compliance. Trust CDMS to establish an effective respirator program meeting Cal/OSHA requirements.
Regulatory bodies
Who needs it
Employees who wear respirators, including SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus), half face, full face, and supplied air respirators. Dust masks also required fit testing and training, although this is not enforced as much as other respiratory protection equipment. Companies that may be below the permissible exposure limit (PEL’s), but still offer respirators to their workers, do not need training, but should approve the use of the respirator to be sure employee’s breathing is not compromised by the use.
Regulation reference
- 29 CFR 1910.134
- Title 8 CCR 5144
- 42 CFR 84
What our training provides:
The course includes proper use of respirators appropriate to particular hazards to which the employees is being exposed to, also hands-on fit testing is provided.
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How often must fit testing be conducted?
Initial fit testing is required before first use. Annual fit testing must be completed thereafter.
When is additional fit testing required?
If there are changes to the respirator model/size or changes in user physical condition affecting fit.
What topics must be covered in respirator training?
Proper use, maintenance/cleaning, inspection, donning/doffing, capabilities and limitations.
How should facilities document respirator training?
With training sign-in sheets listing date, topics covered, instructor name, and user signatures.
Can employees provide their own respirators?
No, the employer must provide respirators selected based on hazards per the written program.
How detailed must respirator training be documented?
Occupational Safety & Health Association (OSHA) requires documentation that training was completed but no mandated details. Best practice is to record all topics covered.
When are medical evaluations required for respirator users?
Before fit testing and use for negative pressure respirators.
Can online training be used to meet requirements?
Online training can supplement but cannot be the sole training method. Hands-on training is still required.
What are common mistakes made with respirator programs?
No fit testing, improper storage, dirty respirators, inadequate inspection, lack of required training.
How long must respirator training records be retained?
Training records should be kept until replaced with updated training records or for duration of employment.
Who can conduct quantitative and qualitative respirator fit testing?
Individuals able to demonstrate competency in the test procedures. Please Contact Us to get support or request a Respirator Training & Fit Testing Training. Our skilled team of EH&S specialists is ready to assist you.
What are OSHA fines for lack of respirator training or fit testing?
Citations can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on severity.
Are employees allowed to wear tight-fitting respirators if they have facial hair?
Yes, facial hair in the seal area is allowed as it prevents an effective seal.
Can voluntary users of dust masks skip training and fit testing?
Yes, training and fit testing is not mandated for voluntary dust mask users only.
How often must air-purifying respirator cartridges be changed?
Cartridges must be replaced per change schedule based on exposure, or sooner if smell/taste detected.
What are the medical evaluation requirements?
Determination by physician if user is physically able to wear the selected respirator without adverse health impacts.
Does N95 respirator usage require a written program and fit test?
Yes, all tight-fitting negative pressure respirators require a full compliant program per
Occupational Safety & Health Association (OSHA).
Can employees refuse to participate in fit testing or training?
No, it is the employer’s responsibility to provide training and testing. Refusal can warrant discipline.
Where can I find qualified trainers and fit test providers?
Industrial hygiene consulting firms, safety equipment/services providers. CDMS offers Respirator Training & Fit Testing Training tailored to your facility.
Our instructors have extensive experience and can provide training onsite at your facility. Contact Us, request a Respirator Training & Fit Testing Training.